A memory from 2014,and what I waiting for in 2015

2014- Something I will remember from 2014 is.  I was suppose to be on the WhiteOak baseball allstars team.  I didn’t want to be so I could spend time with my dad.   Later my dad got a call from the head coach he said they where a few players short and he wondered if I wanted to play with them in state.  I said yes really excited because i’ve never been to state before.  It was a 2 out of 3 tournament.  The opposite team won the first game.  So I was nervous but I did not stop believing because we do this thing before every game we huddle and say I believe.  It means I believe in god others and ourselves.  We had won the next game and I was really excited. When the third game came I was really nervous but we won!  We where state champions!


2015-   something i’m looking forward to in 2015 is middle school because all the new teachers.  I get to go to a new building but i’m a little nervous but the teachers will help me if i’m having trouble.  I know they are good teachers in middle school but i’ll miss the teachers I have now in elementary. I have had a lot of fun in elementary but i’m ready for middle school.



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